What Is The Difference Between Polysexual And Pansexual

When it comes to sexuality, there are various terms that people may come across. Polysexuality and pansexuality are two of them. These concepts explore beyond just male and female.

Polysexuality is a sexual orientation where individuals are attracted to multiple genders. This includes non-binary and genderqueer individuals. Bisexuality generally refers to attraction to males and females only.

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation that goes beyond gender norms. It means being attracted to a person regardless of their gender identity. This could be someone who identifies as male, female, transgender, non-binary or any other gender.

The difference between polysexuality and pansexuality lies in the scope of attraction. For polysexuality, the attraction is towards multiple genders. For pansexuality, the attraction is towards any gender. Both orientations promote acceptance and fluidity of sexual attraction.

According to an article published by Healthline, understanding these terms helps create an inclusive society where everyone’s sexual orientations are respected.

Definition of Polysexual

Polysexual is a sexual orientation that involves attraction to various genders, but not all. It’s different from pansexuality since it doesn’t include an attraction to all genders. People who identify as polysexual might be drawn to different genders such as men and women, men and non-binary people, or a mixture. The word “poly” in polysexual comes from the Greek “polus,” meaning ‘many.’ Therefore, polysexual individuals are drawn to many genders, but not all.

Polysexuality is often confused with pansexuality as they are similar. Both recognize attractions to various genders, yet pansexuality includes an attraction for all gender identities without preference or limitation. On the other hand, polysexuality is more exact when it comes to the types of gender identities one is attracted to. A polysexual individual may have attractions based on personal choices and individual characteristics of particular gender identities.

It’s essential to hear real stories of people who identify as polysexual to understand their experiences. One such story is about Sarah, a polysexual woman who shares her self-discovery and acceptance. She grew up in a small town where heterosexuality was the norm and felt like an outcast among her peers. It wasn’t until she went to college that she found out about polysexuality and realized it lined up with her feelings and attractions. Through connecting with other LGBTQ+ people and educating herself about different sexual orientations, Sarah embraced her identity as a polysexual.

Sarah’s story shows the value of visibility and acceptance for people who identify as polysexual. By sharing personal stories like hers, we can build a more inclusive culture where individuals feel recognized and comprehended in their sexual orientations. There is still work to be done to raise awareness and fight misunderstandings about polysexuality, but by listening to stories like Sarah’s, we can move towards a more inclusive and accepting future.

Definition of Pansexual

Pansexuality is a term for those who are drawn to people from all genders. They can form emotional, romantic and sexual bonds with any gender. Unlike bisexuals who only fancy men and women, pansexuals can be attracted to those who identify outside the gender binary.

It’s important to realise that gender isn’t just male and female. It’s a spectrum including non-binary, genderqueer and transgender. Pansexuals accept this variety by being open to attractions.

What sets pansexuality apart is its focus on personality over gender. Rather than basing attraction on physical appearance or body parts, pansexuals value a person’s inner qualities such as intelligence, humour, and kindness.

Often, pansexuality and bisexuality are used interchangeably; however, they differ. Bisexuality is being attracted to both males and females, while pansexuality is beyond that. Attraction is not based on gender identity, but on who they are.

Pansexuality redefines the norms by showing a wider perspective on love and connection. This orientation lets people bond based on shared values and personalities, not on gender expectations.

A Psychology Today article, “Understanding Pansexuality: A Guide for Psychologists,” debates how pansexuality questions traditional views of sexual orientation, which promotes inclusivity and flexibility in relationships.

Similarities between Polysexual and Pansexual

To grasp similarities between polysexual and pansexual, let’s peek at their characteristics and orientations.

Polysexual: Attraction to multiple genders.

Pansexual: Attraction to people regardless of gender.

Both may be attracted to individuals who identify as male, female, transgender, or non-binary.

Both orientations acknowledge and celebrate the fluidity of gender identities, and reject limiting attraction to one specific gender.

These are key similarities that help us understand polysexuality and pansexuality better.

Remember, these are valid orientations that enrich the diversity of human experiences.

If questioning your own sexual orientation or someone else’s:

  1. Learn about different orientations, including polysexuality and pansexuality.
  2. Respect individuals’ self-identified genders and preferences.
  3. Have open and respectful conversations with trusted friends or professionals.

By following these suggestions, we can create an inclusive society where everyone is respected for their true selves, no matter their sexual orientation.

Differences between Polysexual and Pansexual

Polysexual and pansexual are terms used to describe sexual orientations that involve attraction to multiple genders. These two terms have similarities, but also distinct differences. Let’s compare them in a table:

Polysexual Pansexual
Definition Attraction to multiple genders Attraction to all genders
Scope Limited number All genders
Attraction Preferences or gender-blindness No preferences, all genders
Identity labels Bisexual or queer Often identified as pansexual

Polysexuality is focused on specific genders, with preferences or gender-blindness. Whereas, pansexuality covers all genders and no preferences. To navigate one’s identity and understand others, it’s important to be aware of these differences.

Suggestions for understanding one’s sexual orientation:

  1. Educate: Research sexual orientations to gain a better understanding of feelings and attractions.
  2. Connect: Find LGBTQ+ support groups, online forums, or local organizations that can provide guidance.
  3. Reflect: Take time to introspect and explore your feelings, attractions, and experiences.
  4. Communicate: Speak to trusted friends or family to gain support and understanding.

Sexual orientation is personal and unique. Listen to yourself, trust your feelings, and embrace your authentic self.


When it comes to polysexual and pansexual, there are differences. Both come under the non-monosexual umbrella. But, there are distinguishing features.

Polysexuality means being attracted to multiple genders, not all. The ‘poly-‘ prefix implies many or multiple. It allows for a wider range of attractions, recognizing gender diversities.

On the other hand, pansexuality is attraction to all genders, no exclusions due to someone’s gender identity or expression. Pansexual folks embrace love and attraction in its entirety, without limits.

Polysexual people may be open to relationships with people across the gender spectrum. But, their attractions differ in terms of inclusiveness. Polysexuality is more focused on certain possibilities. Whereas, pansexuality embraces all genders without conditions.

These distinctions are important to create an inclusive society. Where everyone feels seen and respected for their experiences and attractions. By appreciating these varied identities, we can make spaces that honor diversity instead of binary norms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between polysexual and pansexual?

Polysexual refers to someone who is attracted to multiple genders but not all genders, whereas pansexual refers to someone who is attracted to all genders without any preference.

2. Are polysexual and pansexual the same?

No, polysexual and pansexual are not the same. While both involve attraction to multiple genders, pansexual individuals are attracted to all genders, whereas polysexual individuals are attracted to multiple but not necessarily all genders.

3. Can someone be both polysexual and pansexual?

No, someone cannot be both polysexual and pansexual at the same time. These terms represent different sexual orientations with distinct attractions, and an individual typically identifies with one or the other.

4. How do polysexual and pansexual individuals experience attraction differently?

Polysexual individuals experience attraction to multiple genders but may have preferences or limitations regarding certain genders. Pansexual individuals, on the other hand, experience attraction to all genders without any restrictions or exclusions.

5. Is polysexuality or pansexuality more inclusive?

Both polysexuality and pansexuality are inclusive in their own ways. Polysexuality recognizes attraction to multiple genders, including those that fall outside of the binary. Pansexuality, on the other hand, does not have any gender preferences and is inclusive of all genders.

6. How do I know if I am polysexual or pansexual?

Exploring and understanding your own attractions is a personal journey. If you find yourself attracted to multiple genders but not necessarily all, you may identify as polysexual. If you are attracted to all genders without any preferences, pansexuality may resonate with you. It is important to remember that self-identification is a process, and you should choose a label that feels right for you.

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